Kettle won. As my son said, I don't feel like roughing it for the next 60 days. I have to say, it's the best $20 I've ever spent on a "camping" doodad. I still love my Kelly Kettle, but dang, 5 minutes to boiling water is hard to beat. On the other hand, you do have to make sure you are using potable water, as it gets to ONE boil and shuts off. If you were having to boil water to kill bacteria it won't let you do a continuous boil. It's meant after all, for home use where water conditions are not an issue.
While at Costco my son bought insulated paper cups which happen to come with spill resistant lids. I realized last night that we could use them to reconstitute freeze dried foods and save on washing up our tins. So that's a plus. We will try that out tonight. I was smart enough to bring the Stanley thermos and cooked dehydrated chicken rotini in that last night. Just realized I should have made a video, sorry. Well, I have more and this is day 2 out of 30.😀
We went to Otay Lake yesterday. It was closed to public use but it sure is beautiful, and a welcome change from the barren landscape of the campground.
That's about it. Pretty uneventful...which is a huge plus, and hot chocolate to boot!
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